Sunday 26 April 2015

The Do's and Don'ts of Charter Schools: Policies and Legislation

New Zealand Legislation for 'Charter Schools'
While searching for Charter Schools legislations, I came across the Education Act and found nothing written about 'Charter Schools'. I then found a paper written by The Cabinet Social Policy Committee on developing a New Zealand model of charter schooling.  This proposal came around in an effort to change the legislation around Charter Schools in New Zealand. It was also proposed that they change the name from 'Charter' to 'Partnership schools kura hourua'. I then went back to the Education Act and found a whole section relating to it. Maybe they changed the name in an attempt to make those schools more relatable to New Zealands culture?

I was surprised to find that, under school rules, the sponsor can make any rules that they believe will help manage the school. I was again baffled to discover that the sponsor has complete discretion to "control the management of the school as the sponsor thinks fit". So, who exactly is this sponsor?
After digging deeper, I found that a sponsor is approved by the minister and can be a body of people. I then began to wonder if this is the same to other schools and found that, rather than sponsors, other schools have a board which is voted in.

Part 12A of the Education Act holds further information on partnership schools kura hourua, best known as Charter schools. After reading over several points made, I came to ask myself a question.

Do some Charter Schools work better than others?
Catherine Isaac is a strong believer in Charter Schools, outlining several facts noting the proven benefits of these schools. The Cabinet Social Policy Committee comment how Charter Schools will help to reach an 85% target of 18 year olds gaining NCEA level 2. 

Because charter schools have the ability to work outside of the union rules, the people running them decide how they want them to operate (CBS, 2010). Sometimes this format works, and sometimes it doesn't. For example, at one particular Charter school in the US, 95% of the students graduated, with 85% continuing on to college (Credo, 2013).  But when looking more closely, they found that students grades in charter schools in science, reading, and math trailed behind their peers in the public schools (Credo, 2013).

One current issue in NZ is the gap between Māori and Pākehā achievement. It seems that with the right guidance and leadership, charter schools could be the answer to this problem. However, Professor Wally Penetito thinks otherwise, saying that "Charter schools are not the way forward for the development of education for   Māori (Collins, 2013). 
Collins (2013) also notes how the gap is beginning to close, Māori year 12 students gaining NCEA 
level 2 rising from 63% in 2008 to 75% in 2012, without the help of charter schools. 

With so many contradicting views towards charter schools in NZ, it is hard to determine whether 
charter schools are the best thing. To help me decide further, I will be looking into the pedagogical 
implications for practice, with a focus on Early Childhood Education and the implications that these 
schools may have on it.  

CBS, . (2010, September 23). What is a Charter School?. In youtube. Retrieved from

Charter. (n.d.). In Retrieved from

Collins, H. (2013). Education for Māori needs more than charter schools. Education Aotearoa4(3), 12-15.

Credo. (2013). National Charter School Study. In Credo: Center for Research on Education Outcomes. Retrieved from

Banks, J. (n.d.). Developing and Implementing a New Zealand model of charter school. In Ministry of Education. Retrieved from

Uncommon Schools. (n.d.). Frequently Asked Questions About Public, Charter Schools. In Uncommon Schools. Retrieved from

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